Traci Hamilton

TRA Medical Imaging Scholarship Recipient

Traci Hamilton

You have to work to live, but school comes first. This is my future."

Radiology students at Tacoma Community College have access to a new opportunity in the inaugural TRA Medical Imaging scholarship, initiated in 2020.

Select students in the Radiologic Science program were identified by faculty and staff as having the greatest need for additional support, and received a monetary scholarship as well as an opportunity to be mentored by one of TRA’s trained radiologists to help achieve their academic goals.

One of those students was Traci Hamilton, a 29-year-old junior in the program who aspires to enter management in the radiologic field – although that may change as she’s been fascinated by surgery since beginning her clinical classes.

She said receiving the scholarship has made a massive difference in her ability to focus on her studies. When she first entered the program, Hamilton was working full time but had to cut hours and eventually change jobs to accommodate her clinical schedule.

“This scholarship allowed me to go down to three days a week and have the flexibility to really dedicate my time to school,” she said. “I mean, you have to work to live, but school comes first. This is my future.”

Hamilton spoke highly of the support she’s received from her TRA mentor in addition to the support of her professors and peers in the Radiologic Science department. She said she hopes other students follow in her footsteps and take full advantage of the resources that could place them in this exciting and in-demand career path.

Click here to read Graciella Cilinceon’s story, another TRA scholarship recipient. For more information about Radiologic Science, click here.

headshot of Traci Hamilton



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